Value Added Services


Tired of dealing with the same old supply chain issues?

Look to CTrends for innovative and comprehensive solutions.

Component data solutions: As with everything, your electronic components have a life cycle. Procurement does not begin when you need a part. It begins with the design phase. CTrends employs highly qualified engineers to assist you with the design of your new product, ensuring that the components you choose will be available to your company from design through production and service. This holistic approach saves you money, both in the procurement process and during the excess management phase of your product life cycle.

BOM scrubbing: Your company’s BOM (Bill of Materials) provides a wealth of information regarding each product and acquisition. CTrends completes a thorough market analysis of each BOM component, identifying which parts are used by multiple products and which parts may be considered high-risk due to obsolescence or lack of availability.

Risk analysis: CTrends staffs an in-house testing lab to mitigate any risk to your supply chain. This lab houses state-of-the-art equipment manned and maintained by highly trained personnel dedicated to the quality and analysis of each required component.

E-waste: Don’t let your e-waste turn into an e-liability. CTrends offers a number of e-waste management solutions that enable you to retain the vital information and components you need and safely dispose of those you no longer require.

Pilot programs: On the cutting edge of electronic component supply chain management since its founding in 2003, CTrends wrote the book regarding component certification. CTrends proactively assesses potential pitfalls throughout the life cycle of electronic components and maintains its industry-leading position through innovations in component identification and provenance.

Excess inventory valuation/mediation services: With a worldwide footprint and knowledge base, CTrends accurately evaluates your excess inventory. Through its mediation services, CTrends also assists you in understanding your inventory’s true value, providing current market pricing through its extensive network of contract manufacturers and exclusive market data.

Why settle for status quo supply chain management? Trust the company that is a proven leader in the industry. Trust CTrends.


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